Thursday, April 05, 2007

Tadika trip

My daughter went on her school trip yesterday.

Imagine this .... 66 kids aged 5-6 going on a bus trip .... Imagine us handling 2-3 kids on a shopping trip and with these tadika teachers handling average 5 kids each (5-6) on an outing. For once I realise how much most of us , your truly included have underrated the strength (and I guess love as well) that it takes to do this. Siap yang nak susu (in bottles), kain busuk nak tidor, incessant asking "bila nak sampai" .... I salute these Tadika teachers.

It was a bit strange seeing her on a bus, and going away with her friends. So used to havin her tag along with me or my wife or both of us. Seeing her going on a trip made me realise how big she's grown. Wow ... head rush. I just hope that I will be around when she needs me.
Well enuf feeling sorry for myself. Sure is good having family.

1 comment:

ummi said...

congratulations. Another milestone in your our obstacle course of life conquered bro :-)
Keep going !!