Friday, September 21, 2007

Al Fatihah, Nurin may Allah bless you always.

I started writing this on Tuesday 18th after reading about the dead girl found in the bag. I could not finish writing then as I kept breaking down.

Everytime I read this kind of news my heart breaks and the emotions overwhelms me about ho much I wish this did not happen. I keep thinking about the pain and suffering and terror that the child felt up to the last moments of her life. I can't face this anymore. Even as a spectator it's overwhelming.

We have to be prepared when bringing these children into the world. We are responsible for them being here to large degree and thus it is up to us to take care of them. Think of these 5 reasons why:-

These are Raising Children antibodies / reminders that Dr Norhayati once related in her lectures.

1. Children are our AMANAH. We are entrusted with these children so it is up to us to take care of them. They are counting on us. Allah's amanah on us to take care of these kids.

2. Taking care of children can be considered our IBADAH. LIke any Ibadah, do it proper, with the right nawaitu, and do it well. If you promise to teach , if cannot be done today, do qadha and do it the next available time.

3. Children are our UJIAN. Taking care of them tests us in all aspects. We are responsible to come out of this test with flying colours.

4. Children are our NIKMAT and not our azab. Every moment that they spent with us is an nikmat and as such needs to be treasured. Their loss is also soul wrenching like the loss of a gift from Allah swt.

5. Our Children are our JIHAD. Jihad means to some doing with best of ability and intent. And if mean it as jihad there is very little that can stop us.

May Allah place her among the chosen. I offer this prayer to all my children and all children in this world, what ever their race, religion, colour, shape. May Allah bless you all.

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