Friday, February 03, 2006

Man from UNCLE


I just saw the new show on NTV7 ... Seekers ... pretty okay premise about ghost hunting as obviously most people like to get thrills on these horror stuff. But dang it ... the show is irritating. Mostly the guy who is the host, nicknamed UNCLE is really irritating. Bossy and know it all type that you would just like to &*&*^%$ his (*(*&.

C'mon lah NTV 7 .. tak kan macam ini pun nak masuk TV. Dah lah irritating, the format of the show pulak tu macam nak saja2 takut kan orang. Laki yang jadi volunteer tu ... , buat malu lelaki aje. Ada ke tengok anjing malam-malam pun terketar dan terjerit. Yang perempuan tu 2 kali tengok anjing lalu boleh cool lagi. And guys .... its only a DOG (or 2 DOGS).

I also heard that the UNCLE questioned Datuk Fadhilah Kamsah punya keislaman sebab kata "hantu yang selalu nampak Hantu". Elemen tahyul is always suspect and can cause kegelinciran akidah. Itu yang takut bila menyangkakan ada yang lain berkuasa tu...

I hope the show gets cancelled coz it's one show we can do without.

BTW Thurday Nite Live (TNL) with Harith looks promising.


ummi said...

Cool blog Kay Own, how come you kept quiet about it!!

Khairul Nizar said...

Can't write as well as you do sis... just barely making myself understood. ;-)