Friday, October 14, 2005

Nostalgia Melbourne (dari langit…)

My colleague baru beritahu yang Melbourne area Google Earth . Was fun travel around virtually in Melbourne as I have been banyak tempat lain tapi tak sampai Melbourne since 1989.

Found Malaysia Hall (I think… hope someone can confirm this) which I was there masa buka dulu in 1984/85. The new student masa baru datang ke Melbourne parked themselves there and aku punya kerja cari rumah for them. Most of them masa tu masuk Box Hill High School (sekolah lama aku gak tu sebelum ke Monash di Clayton).

Tapi Clayton dan Box Hill pulak tak clear (low res) so tak dapat nak cari rumah lama aku kat Kent Road, Box Hill 3128 and 2/4 Wright Street, Clayton 3168. Hope one of these days depa upload nice clear images of that area.

Wow … maybe one of these days nak bawa wife and kids pergi Melbourne. It’s about time.


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